For the safe operation of security equipment, we should pay attention to the following notes when Gyratory Crusher is working.
(1) check the lubrication system, the broken area of the Gyratory Crusher, the tension of the belt, and all the screws to be tightened.
(2) after starting the 5-10 minutes of the oil pump motor, the working condition of the lubricating system is examined, and the main motor is started after the normal operation.
(3) the air load of the crusher can begin to give the mine after 1-2 minutes. Because the crusher is full to the mine, it should pay attention to the situation is normal, especially with mud, high moisture content, to prevent ore blockage to the mine mouth. In operation, it should also pay attention to check the condition of the ore, do not allow the accumulation of ore in the space under the seal device.
(4) when the normal parking should be stopped to the mine, the ore to be broken in the ore after all to stop the main motor operation, and finally stop the oil pump motor. After stopping to check all parts of the crusher, the problem should be treated in time.
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